I started watching a pair of kiddos back in September to make a little extra cash. Let me tell you, it's been hard going from two incomes to none and budgeting off of school loans. Obviously we want to keep our loans to a minimum. It's especially hard that Jake can't work (did you know he signs papers at the beginning of law school that say he won't hold a job his first year?! Serious business) and it wouldn't be worth working for me just to pay for the outrageous cost of childcare anyways.
So when I was approached with the offer to pick up a few days every week for this brother and sister I took it in an instant! It works out great because my kids have playmates all afternoon. They keep each other busy and have fun together. The downside to 5 kids in the house on any given day is the constant tattling, constant want of snacks and TV, and especially the chaos and mess it brings.
Since being back from the holidays things have really settled down and we feel like we're back on a pretty good schedule. However we are shaking things up a bit though because the gal who I share babysitting with is moving at the end of the week out of state. DANG YOU KATIE! I'm only mad because they're such great friends, we'll miss them a lot.
So as of next week I'll have the kids 5 days a week until we find a proper replacement. Not to mention the full days we'll be together during the summer. I've stressed about this a little (a lot) because, honestly, I want to like these kids at the end of each week, mine included!!! As I sat and thought what would help the process run smoothly I decided that the kids could start pitching in at the house by doing a job every day. We sat down last week and came up with a list of jobs and I snatched some basic clip art from the web to make some cards for them to draw/pick from every day. I'd be happy to share them with you, click this link to get the document. I'd love more ideas so leave them in the comments if you have any and I'll add to the document and update it on the blog!
Nice and this one's very interesting. I wish you success on your plans and may you have a wonderful day ahead! My personal injury attorney Arizona wishes you well too. Thanks.